Monday, December 7, 2009

Regarding the live skype feeds...

I realize I didn't give the locations, Vicki's is in room 204 Rankin and Nicky's is in CHEM 123.  Here is a campus map:
More about today's conference tomorrow morning (my time) off to bed since it is 12:16 am here!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic post, Yaicha! I liked your rundown of the opening talks, the link to the COP15 Webcast, details about the Bella Center, and the model city Copenhagen is--inspiring details.

    Anyone in Missoula is welcome to come see and interact with you and Zach Brown via Skype in my class, Wednesday, December 9 from 3:40-4:10 MST, which meets in CHEM 123. Here is a campus map:

    I'll be reading your site every day. Thanks, Yaicha.
