Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A real quick thought (or two) before I get interviewed for an Australia Youth Training video....

A) Big-ups to the Bella Center for hosting this conference.... they are doing an EXCELLENT job as well as the Denmark Police force.. they are pulling 16 hour shifts for the full duration of the conference.
B) I was listening to "Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon and hope that the delegates can give the planet a chance and make a R.A.D. treaty (listen to the song here)
C) Listen to Montana Public Radio at 89.1 tomorrow evening (12/8/09) around 530pm during the Montana Evening Edition I will be calling in and doing an interview.
D) Why is it so impossible to actually eat a full meal here and not have to go running off to meetings, sessions, interviews, etc.... It is so crazy (and fun!) here at the COP15

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